The Revelation of Jesus Christ Black Horse 6:5-6

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The government? The Constitution? We The People? If you have your mind on correctly and study these good men you will understand businesses, and corporations like the Government FBI, CIA, The IRS, NSA, DHS, CISA, The Federal Reserve, The DOD, DOJ, General Motors, Procter and Gamble, Railroads, Airplane companies, Delaware incorporation is their web on criminal forged documents of incorporation. They have no rights given to them by the Constitution. They are organized criminals. That is all. We the people can separate them and disband their militant armies, hoards of counterfeiters. Only gold and Silver coins are money. In other words, legally they do not exist! It is all a bunch of lies written down on Paper.
It is important to note God made a “binding covenant” with All men through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. Binding on all men. The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution were written by men in this covenant. with God. Not written on paper but on Stone Tablets and with Each man being a Stone, Jesus is the chief cornerstone, written by the infilling of the Divine Holy Spirit by God written in the hearts of men and their minds. You through these documents have a vow before God and Other men to keep this covenant with God and each other. Only the Individual has any rights in the United States of America. Written in the minds and hearts of everyone! No law can withstand The laws of the Holy Spirit in each man.

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