Leah and Michelle Svensson, also known as the Resistance Chicks, are two sisters who share a passion for self-sufficiency and spreading the truth about current events. They operate a suburban farm and homestead in southern Ohio. They raise pigs and chickens and teach others how to live sustainably.
The sisters have been active online since 2009. They started a DIY Youtube channel focusing on home remodeling, gardening, and canning. However, in January 2017, they pivoted to creating a news commentary program called Resistance Chicks.
Leah, who attended Bible college in Tulsa, OK, and has been involved in ministry since her teenage years, brings a unique perspective to the program. The sisters are committed to empowering people with the tools to stand up against tyranny from all directions, and their show has a global audience. They strive to provide relevant news with a healthy dose of humor to make the truth palatable.
Above all, the Resistance Chicks stand for a righteous America, an America that reflects the values and sacrifices of our Founding Fathers. They have studied history extensively through home education, and public schools and seek to challenge the revisionist narratives taught in schools. The sisters believe spiritual weapons and tools are crucial to dismantling the Deep State and preserving America’s, Godly heritage. Their show concludes with the memorable phrase, “It’s not just a Conspiracy Theory if it’s the Truth,” a reminder that reality is often stranger than fiction. Leah and Michelle Svensson have become passionate advocates for truth and self-sufficiency, through their farm, online presence, and news commentary program. Their message resonates with people globally who seek a better future for themselves and their families.
Please bear with me, I must offload the download, and if I don’t I’ll never get to any of my chores around here.
When St Paul said, “…prophecy, tongues shall cease” (1 Cor. 13:8), he was not talking about ceasing from the Church or from the earth, they are necessary, but he was speaking of a journey of growth; it’s an individual thing, not a corporate thing. In the growth into Christ’s stature, the gifts become obsolete. At some point even a man’s opinions become God’s Word in the stature of the fullness of Christ. E.g. St Paul, “I think I have the mind…”.
The Tabernacle of Moses, Solomon’s temple, and any canonical Orthodox Temple are divided by “lines of sanctity” into three parts, narthex, nave, and sanctuary or altar area. This pattern defines the progress of every believer into an ever deeper relationship with God.
In the Tabernacle of Moses, the outer court was governed by natural light (human reasoning, perceptions etc) the physical sun. 95% of all believer dwell in the land of natural light which is no big deal to God or us, but will not change the world. When the disciple enters into the “holy place” there is the table of shew bread and the candle stick/lamp stand. This is usually marked by receiving the endowment of power. The lamp stand represents the gifts of the Holy Spirit driven by the anointing of the Holy Spirit and to operate must be always refueled.
The Holy Place is governed by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that is the light there, no sunshine or human reasoning allowed.
In the Holy of Holies, there is no candle stick (no gifts per se), there is not sunshine, but only the presence of God when He chooses to show up. If God doesn’t show up, he’s in the dark. Here one learns to wait on God silently. Here, God’s speaking comes from the void space above the ark of the covenant and between the cherubim—two exact mirror opposites. This same tension of opposites governs all existence, and creation is based on an enigma, a holy mystery, something outside Man’s comprehension, two things being true at the same time. Neither cherub bears the presence of God, but only marks out a location. where the presence of God will manifest. In short this is a portal/gateway to heaven, like Jacob’s Ladder. In that area, there is only room for one; you cannot take anybody with you on that leg of the journey, it’s just you and God. Capiche?
This temple pattern is mirrored in the human frame of body, soul, and spirit (ascending order), spirit, soul, and body (descending order). In the fall, the spirit of Man felled deep into the soul and went dormant, and the soul sunk into the body being governed by the 5 senses and the bodily appetites. Salvation is to bring the spirit Man to life (the candle of the Lord) making to transcend and take control of the soul which must be renewed to the things of God, and the body subjected to the soul, not driven by appetites, but guided by a renewed mind, which channels—consciously or unconsciously—the spirit man where God dwells on the inside, governing from the inside out.
To make a long story longer, during our years at NLC, I gave many words during the 10-40 window effort. My x detested how the prophetic worked in me. On one occasion she was vomiting violently and when her stomach was empty the dry heaves would not stop, it was torturous. Praying with all my might to make it stop, Holy Spirit told me the reason she was sick was she opposed in her heart the prophetic things I was doing, it embarrassed her, and the way she would know it was true, was she would have one more bad spasm then it would quit. and it did just that. On the next occasion she internally opposed what God was doing she miscarried a baby at about 3 months. Then issue was over… Please accept my apologies for talking too much.
For me personal prophecy works in a strange manner. It’s not my form to give words right and left. But, when it comes, it brings a load with it. I envy those who can do it, and to my knowledge, Eileen Fisher is the gold standard because she is consistent week after week, and brings extensive decades of experience. Longevity is the proof of true fidelity as power corrupts, even God’s power through a man or woman e.g. Jimmy Swaggart.
One example when God told me to tell somebody went this way. For years we attended New Life Church in Colorado Springs. It was—by the way—very much a deliverance church in the early days. One Sunday morning a couple with preadolescent kids sat in front of me. I had recognized them from another church we had visited. Thinking nothing of it, at the time many people were vacating cold and dead churches for where the Spirit was moving. During the worship, the Spirit of the Lord said, “Tell him, he had left the previous church in an abrupt manner with disagreement and it created on him a ‘spirit of divorce’ and that if he continued it would cause problems in the lives of his children.” When you get words like that, you know its God, (unless you have lying demon, have to test it) because nobody in their right mind is comfortable giving stuff like that.
When the service was over, I struck up a conversation with the dad. When I mentioned I had seen him and his family at such-and-such church across town. Instantly, he replied, “Oh yeah, I was on the board over there and did (mentioned some lay ministry activities—I don’t recall). When I started to tell him what God had said to say, he totally ignored me and interrupting me bragging about how wonderful it was to be at New Life casting his gaze upon the ceiling. I could not finish the word. So I just shut up and let it go. If people can’t hear it, no point in giving it, just pray for them. Interestingly, he never came back so I assume he got the message and went back.
When somebody leaves a fellowship in the wrong manner, it creates an orphan effect and they never can get settled in any other church. The same thing can happen when a child never gets his father’s blessing. If the fellowship is solid, one must be sent out or released depending upon the relationships and level of involvement. I have been both released to move out of town and left some churches because nothing was really going on there.
My first real “word” was for a pastor of long tenure of a long standing AG church in OKC. I was actually on staff. (me not good youth pastor…). At the time a megachurch was exploding across town (Cross Roads Cathedral) and he was constantly losing members. In a panic, he was using Sunday School contests to get folks in the door trying to build the whole church through the Sunday School. The contests pitted men against women called “pack a pew” in which points were given for visitors brought. This church had it all, including a full k-12 on campus school with 8 man football team, and full basketball gym. Unable to sleep for several nights, I finally figured out I was missing God on something I was supposed to do, and cried out, “Ok Lord, what am I missing, what do you want me to do?” God told me to tell the pastor (paraphrase I don’t recall the exact), “You are building the church in the arm of the flesh and not in prayer, fasting, and revival.” I told the Lord I could not do that unless He (God) makes an opportunity, I put it right back on God. In staff meeting, the pastor asked the staff to evaluate their department and the overall status of the church. This was my opportunity. I hand wrote the message and gave it to the pastor’s personal secretary. When she finished typing it out, she handed it to me in an envelope and said, “Bryan, this is right on!”.
The pastor called me in, and ripped me up one side and down the other. “Who do you think you are? (you young punk)” “ I was a tank driver in WWII” and, “I have been pastoring here for as long as you have been alive”. Immediately, giving my resignation, a couple Sundays later we were sent out with an after church sendoff party. Nobody knew why we were leaving, and I would never say, it was not my place. In the sendoff party, I was to stand and they could come and pin cash on my suit coat. Got hundreds of dollars, fully funded the costs of moving. In less than a year, this long term pastor was replaced before his time.
Sometimes its months, or even years without anything for anybody else; and I miss it. Now it’s starting to kick up again. Sometimes when given a word, I am to hold it, not give it right now. Those words are difficult because its like being pregnant and not able to deliver. God was training me to hold on to the word as it gestated, not to drop it. These words contain a creative power in the receiver, to actually seed the purposes of God (the fatherhood principle) rather than to just recognize what is already there. These words are usually backed by hours of prayer for them.
I have also had words for people of that order and the person had no respect for me or made some bad choices, and the word miscarried—their future was demoted—they had failed the Grace of God. Its been decades since I’ve had that happen but when it did, it creates in me in the spiritual sense a bloody flushing out of various degrees, sometimes very grievous to go through, grieving for God’s loss and their loss. Nobody considers God experiences loss (e.g. the deluge) and it’s because He loves people beyond our comprehension. God experiences every loss.
Hope my experiences are helpful for the next generation of prophetic people who are changing the world.
So, I found this comment portal that looks like it has gone dormant, no comments in a year. I’ll see here if its ignored. I got this offer from you for a “badge” without really trying to figure out what it really means. It means I get to come over and kiss you pretty face, right? Oh, and jees, the picture of you as children, tooooo cute. You must be joined at the hip, or something. I got to tell ya, whatever it means, I am deeply humbled. Do you ever sleep? That’s ok, I sleep for all of us. Mention me in your prays and I’ll have pleasant dreams for sure. Actually, I nearly always get up in the night to pray (or pee).
I am so amazed at how parallel our purposes are running. Now that I have moved to St Francis Kansas (the land of my forefathers), I am working on a house restore that can go off the grid, as well as shielded from the ever growing RF assault, now dropping in from satellites. While I don’t have chickens and pigs (everybody around town has cattle), I just obtained 38 trees, many fruit, apple, plumb, peach, pear, maple, and oak. Already have a few young grape vines and some fig. As Kansas is not known for fruit trees, I’m just being obedient to what God has brought to me by providence. Have a space for a large garden, in the spring it goes in. More work on the wood stove install tomorrow.
This week I’ll find out if I can drop wells through the floor inside the house. With the Republican River a quarter mile north, my house sits on the ancient sand bar and the water table–they tell me is 15′. Some places even less. The city water here is cheap, but so bad, I have no clue what chemicals are added. If the water table is that close, there is no limit to how many wells I can punch. For my drinking water, I distill, magnetize/structure, and freeze, then drink the melting ice; good for whatever ails. Have two distillers working, one in the box; just small ones.
I asked the Lord why this house. I still have no clue, but if the world goes Mad Max dystopia, I got fuel–gas station– just across the alley, and within a block grain elevators that can be hacked. With another home coming up for sale, I’m thinking maybe God wants to plant a faith community here. In fact one may already be in progress, but I have yet to search it out other than information from a local business owner. Of course, you are a decade ahead of me, I’ll catch up.I’d have to get really hungry to clean a chicken. But who knows?
I have tried to send Scott Kesterson notes on how to handle sciatica easily. Instant Sciatica Relief by Curtis High. I am a listener but I do not participate in social media. Your show is so refreshing also. Thank you and God bless.
Jeanne Kurttila
Leah and Michelle,
I’m 70 years old and a career USAF veteran from 1973 to 1993. I’ve lived in Colorado since 1977 but I grew up in Southwest St Louis County, Missouri. If you want to see what dioxin does, do a little research on a small town on the Meremac River called Times Beach, Missouri in 1983. In my early years I spent some time there since I lived in a nearby town of Ellisville. Times Beach was one of the prettiest, most picturesque locations in the area and is now a ghost town and still uninhabitable to this day. It’s been a long time but if memory serves, a company stored dioxin in large tanks there that eventually corroded, started leaking and the rest is history.
The government would like the Times Beach story to go away, but the people that lived it still remember what used to be and what it became. If you can, nail those degenerate animals to the proverbial cross so they will know the PEOPLE are always watching.
Thank you for what you do.
MSgt Richard Baker (ret)
MSgt Richard Baker, first of all, thank you for your service. Secondly, thank you so much for this, it’s absolutely devastating… wow. They always seek to bury these things, thank you for not allowing that story to die. God bless you! Michelle
Yes ma’am. And I can tell the Lord has blessed you and your family also.
Please, is Brenda alright.
No further news, should we carry on praying for her.
God bless you all.
Thank you so much for all you both do to help us learn about the True God. Jesus bless you both. Through you i have returned back to Christ.
2, of 2.beautiful free spirit full of life , eager, smart , cute as me and my sister’s of 4. im not good on all this cellphone computer crap.. i pray you get this, and if you can , let me know). please. I’ve been wanting to say thank you ( 2 soul sister s) the momma, too. Bless you and all you do ..happy happy farming is so grand. you girls rock yes you do. ok you might rock but not that way to me . My Lord and SAVIOR is one whom rocks for me .. ha ha ha I’m a poet don’t you know it.. ok seriously I am nine-one-one of my family , 7 bros and 4 th babysisters.that is I, sandy . a day or 2 of age on me then you. I learn a lot from watching you 2 and now I want to show you what I learned. born into Catholic Family to Methodist now I’m a Pentecostal oh boy oh boy Pentecostal is sweet. A calendar here at our country store has different Holy days on it throughout the year . so sweet to grow with his love he shone me one day so dear .The Light The Light , He shone me down on my floor. His lift to Heaven so so bright He assured me He is , The Greatest “”, ” IAM” he ran after me the 1 astray. . to see his True Love I did not know til . this day . wow did he show me his love . Thank you Thank you my Lord Christ Jesus. Yeshua . amen amen and Hallelujah way he Loves us All. WOW. . ok ok check it out , iam a Jesus freak you might say or my mind runs or is that my mouth ? ha . The word (Epiphany) it says this on calendar as , Jan 6 th. . I thought was interesting. in my dictionary , I’m hoping picture will show up for you . but any hoot our Amish dude’s here just across you way down along Ohio River. is Leavenworth In. . Our AMISH here on Jan 6th is their Holy today all in one my sister said. . she took horse to get the shoe ‘Ed.. little to her surprise . they where celebrity., her round trip was couple hours at least. but she was excited to know this day Jan 6th Epiphany.., when you read what dictionary say for Epiphany you would think we all God’s children would hold this day very special too. . love you All stay free peace out. hope you get this picture . if not my dictionary print Ed in 80s.
e grow and learn everyday Our Savior Christ Jesus (Yeshua)
I love this! Praise God for you and where God has taken you Sandy!!! Amen!!!