Revelation Redpill Wed Ep 22

Unlocking the Mysteries of the 7 Churches of Revelation & Current Urgent Prophetic Warning!!!

Join us WEDNESDAY 7/26/2023
8:00 PM ET
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Jason Heydinger joins us tonight!

We have previously discussed the meaning behind the seven golden candlesticks and sevenfold spirits before God’s throne. Now we will take deep dive into the hidden meanings of the letters written to the seven churches in a way you have probably never heard. Christ’s promises and warnings to the seven churches were a fantastic shift from how God dealt with his people in the Old Covenant. Modern end times theology takes away from the beauty and necessity of each Christian to heed the warnings of this book. Join us tonight for an explosive episode as we explain the historical significance Revelation chapters 2 and 3 while at the same time applying the warnings to modern events every believer needs to heed in this hour.

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Get ready for the MOST explosive series you’ve ever watched about the Last Days! Get ready to have everything you thought you knew brought into clarity! What did Christ say about his kingdom? Jesus said all power and authority had already been given to him and we are to go and preach the Gospel. If Christians reign as priests now, why would anyone roll over and let evil take over? Many of the problems we see today are not a result of prophecy, but believers abdicating their God-given authority in Christ. If we are going to combat the plans of the enemy we need to know who we are in Christ and what has already been accomplished to bring God’s kingdom on earth.

Join us for our new weekly broadcast with amazing guests as we dial in on how to turn this ship around with the power of God that has already been granted to us. Come and learn your position in the Body of Christ and get rid of the toxic blue pill defeatist false theology that has made the Church powerless and impotent. Christ’s bride should be ruling and reigning with Him.


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