2010-2020 The People’s Decade- Democracy Fights BACK! WORLD WIDE Liberty Movement 2019 Review
The People’s Decade! We’ve had the Yellow Vest protests around the world! Independence rising up in Hong Kong! France; Italy and Salvini, Hungary and Victor Orban, Poland! Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and BREXIT! Australia and Scott Morrison; Bolsonaro in Brazil; The Vox Party in Spain; Trump in the United States! Explosion of Christianity in India! It’s a movement led by the Holy Spirit around the world! Freedom from the European Union, freedom from the devil!!! Links in today’s show: Ravi and Eric Metaxas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LfmEVJ1d_k&t=152s Ravi Zacharias sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3kM6Rax1AU&t=64s