Sharleta Bassett US Senate For CA

Taking Spiritual Warfare to The US Senate For the State of California

It’s about time we started electing officials who understand that we are not battling against flesh and blood, but against rulers and principalities in high places. Sharleta Bassett is a mighty warrior for Christ running for US Senate in the state of California and not only does she understand spiritual warfare, she wages it daily. She also just so happens to attend one of the most powerful churches in the nation that specializes in deliverance and freedom from demonic oppression, the Church of Glad Tidings in Yuba City, CA. If there is anything our nation and the state of California need, it’s deliverance and God has anointed Sharleta to do just that.

Resistance Chicks are proud to endorse Sharleta Bassett
for US Senate for the State of California

LIVE Premiere
Tuesday, Feb 13th, 2024
9:00PM EST
Watch Below!

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Mission and Vision

About Sharleta

Mission and Vision

With my dedication to God’s principles, every American can trust my focus to stay steadfast on the welfare of children, veterans, and national security. As one, we can foster hope, faith, and healing in our nation. By restoring justice and freedom with our compassion for each other and bringing honor and strength back to people, we will restore the economy and welfare of California.

I envision a future where Americans uphold and celebrate our Constitutional Rights by fighting together against child trafficking, respecting and giving aid to our veterans. To be a nation that stands on its sovereignty and self-sufficiency with a robust national security. “Free Our Nation” is more than a slogan; it’s a prayer and a promise for an America where freedom and justice are not aspirations, but God-given realities. Join me as ONE to accomplish this by fighting the establishment for “We The People.”

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