Revelation Redpill Wed Ep 21
Redeeming Eden, Reversing the Curse: Unleash the Power of the Cross!
Join us WEDNESDAY 7/19/2023
8:00 PM ET
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Buckle up! Cory Gray, Jason Heydinger & Rob Allen join us tonight!
Every day another pollutant is released into our waterways; farmers have to rely on gmo seeds, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides to get crops to grow on infertile land. What if we could access the power of Heaven to heal the ground?
I have good news for you, when Jesus died on the cross, he reversed the punishments on mankind, including the curse on the soil!
Marriages are failing, pornography and sex trafficking run rampant throughout society, and corrupt bankers and corporations spread destruction worldwide. Modern End Times Theory doesn’t have answers to fix any of these problems. In fact, most people teaching Revelation today point to these things as a sign Jesus is coming back. They have given up hope of fixing this world’s woes through the Gospel of redemption and are instead sitting around waiting to be rescued.
Guys, we are the rescue team.
We are Christ’s hand and feet but we aren’t seeing positive changes because we don’t know the power of what Christ did to redeem the whole world back under His authority and control. Let’s unleash the power of the cross, set the captives free, and heal the land!
Listen to Cory’s Freedom and Dominion Decree Click Here!
Freedom-And-Dominion-DecreeListen to Cory’s Audiobook For a Limited Time at
Get ready for the MOST explosive series you’ve ever watched about the Last Days! Get ready to have everything you thought you knew brought into clarity! What did Christ say about his kingdom? Jesus said all power and authority had already been given to him and we are to go and preach the Gospel. If Christians reign as priests now, why would anyone roll over and let evil take over? Many of the problems we see today are not a result of prophecy, but believers abdicating their God-given authority in Christ. If we are going to combat the plans of the enemy we need to know who we are in Christ and what has already been accomplished to bring God’s kingdom on earth.
Join us for our new weekly broadcast with amazing guests as we dial in on how to turn this ship around with the power of God that has already been granted to us. Come and learn your position in the Body of Christ and get rid of the toxic blue pill defeatist false theology that has made the Church powerless and impotent. Christ’s bride should be ruling and reigning with Him.
- The Kingdom Roundtable on Rumble: Mondays at 8:00pm ET
- SperoPictures: 20 mins of Revelation
- Cory Gray: Born Again As Kings is packed full of scriptures that show Jesus came, overthrew Satan’s dominion and He has given us the keys- we just need to learn how to use them! Be sure to check out Cory’s: The Unstoppable Kingdom Business Mind School: Click here And also take the FREE 8-course series of KINGDOM UNIVERSITY! Click here!
- JOHNNY ENLOW UNFILTERED – EPISODE 44– Perfect video to introduce others to the Revelation Redpill message
- Kingdom/Revelation Redpill books:
- Resistance Chicks Revelation Red Pill Page:
Clouthub: Channel 1620
Watch LIVE: Rumble
Click here to watch on BitChute
Click here to watch on FrankSpeech
Really great discussion. Very blessed.
21 When the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma, he said to himself, “I will never again curse the ground because of human beings, even though the inclination of the human heart is evil from youth onward. And I will never again strike down every living thing as I have done.
22 As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
summer and winter, and day and night
will not cease.”
18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper 😉
It’s Paul who said the woman disobeyed. He says it’s a command from the Lord that women can’t preach or teach in the church. Did God really say?
Saul didn’t obey. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.
I felt like you were condemning anyone who had repented of porn. I tossed out all of my porn after listening to your broadcast. You are still beating me over the head over a sin I asked God for forgiveness of. I was bored by most of your broadcast today because you were still beating me over the head for something that I agree with upon. Yes, we must return to the land, but you are not the first to come to that conclusion.
Jim D
Jim, I’m so sad you felt that way. And we ccertainly were NOT beating you or anyone over the head- the beating is to those perpetuating this monstrous trap set for GOOD men like you! I praise God for you- any man who doesn’t want to be trapped by this is a man after God’s heart! I am standing with you in this my brother- it takes an incredible strength to stand up to this- it takes a real man. I’m proud to have you as a part of the Resistance Chicks family, even if you were bored… 😉