Pastor Devin Oneal: The Greatest Harvest The World Has Seen Is About To Hit The EARTH!
Pastor Devin Oneal has a heart not only for the lost, but for the church- and he says “I’m here cus I love Jesus,” and it shows. His testimony will make your jaw hit the floor and once you hear what God has been showing him about what’s coming- you will be blown away! He says God’s trying to warn us and if the church will respond, we’ll get revival. The good news is- Pastor Devin knows the true church WILL respond! Pastor Devin says, “He’s about to release the peace of God across the Nation.” But his biggest message is about unity in the body of the church and that God is saying, “They will know you’re My disciples by your love for one another.” One of the most powerful things he said to us was, “your break-through is with your brother.” Wow. You don’t want to miss this one- it’s absolute non-stop fire! Leah and I spent the majority of the conversation with a look of utter shock and amazement on our faces… buckle up.
Join the Trail of Joy Tour by visiting their website: and their Facebook page @trailofjoytour
Their mission statement says ” Our Mission is based out of John 15:11-14 to Love the Native American Nations and our neighboring churches as Christ loved us! Our mission is to undergird First Nations ministries bringing healing into the reservations while building and unifying the local church.”
The Trail of Joy is a vision to bring love and unity within the Body of Christ and the First Nations. The first stop is Salem Oregon.
“Why are we coming to Salem, Oregon?
We will be announcing of the National “Trail of Joy” Tour where we will be making a declaration to bring America back to the foundation of the Word of God. One of main reasons we are in Salem, Oregon is a Bible known as the book of Heaven that was owned by the original circuit rider of the West, Rev. Jason Lee. This circuit rider is memorialized in Salem, Oregon. This Bible was printed in 1822 and is exactly 200 years old this year. It was also the answer to the Macedonian call of America from the Native Americans for the Book Of Heaven! God instructed us to start in Salem the Capital of Oregon because of this monument to the circuit riders that is a major cornerstone to the very fabric of America!. As modern day circuit riders, we will be declaring the good news of forgiveness, healing, and salvation through Jesus Christ to the people of America. Jimmy Muscrat, a Cherokee Revivalist, the steward of the Book of Heaven will be leading the way in the 100 year anniversay of the passing of William Seymour in 1922. It was said that the color lines were erased at AZUSA! At the Azusa Street Revival, William Seymour would say if you are a born again Christian you are no longer a member of any earthly race, you are a member of the Christian race and for God’s power to move effectively we must be ONE! William Seymour also stated that in approximately 100 years, there would be a revival twice as strong as Azusa. It would spread across the United States and it would heal the racial divide of America! THAT TIME IS NOW!
This tent revival will be done during the week of Purim in which the Jews celebrate the Esther Story. We truly believe we are in a modern day Esther Story in America as well. The Lord says, He will turn our sorrow into joy, and Haman will be hung on his own gallows (Esther 9:22). What the enemy meant for evil the Lord God Almighty will turn for GOOD!
Join us for a LIVE Premier Monday,
March 14th, 2022 at 9:30 PM ET on the platforms below!
RUMBLE Live Stream with CHAT!
Does Scott Kesterson know about this event in Salem? I think he is in Oregon and if he were to miss it that would be a real shame. I’m sure he would love to be there.