Fed Creates Financial Mess! Russians Flee Draft

Ron Paul, one of the only spot-on sound monetary policy advocates in the nation, has rung the sirens about our doomed economy. It’s not “if,” but “when,” the ship will sink, blaming the Federal Reserve for creating the biggest financial mess in history. Lots of talk about nuclear bombs, which should frighten everyone into paying attention, as Russians are called up in a draft sending thousands to flee the country to avoid fighting in armed combat. Matt Walsh called out straight up child abuse at Vanderbilt hospital in TN as they mutilate children for profit. Tennessee lawyers are taking actions to stop this abuse of children. Planned Parenthood has now changed its language on fetal development to match Stacey Abrams’ conspiracy theory that doctors are manufacturing fetal heartbeats. Where are all the US weapons going to in Ukraine and is the United States using the country as a weapons testing training ground? A whistleblower from the FBI has come forward and you need to hear what he has to say. All of that and much more AHEAD!

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