Ancient Greek and Roman Coins of the Bible Tribute Penny Widow’s Mite 30 Pieces #trustedcoins

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Numismatic Coins. Ancient older coins are real money. Would you like a closer relationship with your Creator who created gold and silver coins for man to buy and sell, and trade with each other? Men Women Children you need Gold. God created it because you need to have it. It is a part of the Creation Account when God created the Earth. Jesus the Word Created the gold.
Genesis 2:11-12
1599 Geneva Bible
11 The name of one is Pishon: the same compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where is gold.
12 And the gold of that land is good: there is Bdellium, and the Onyx stone.***DON’T FORGET!*** Show Mike Lindell his alternative to Paypal is a win! Join Franksocial, visit our profile and click “sponsor” for just $5 a month!
Thumbnail music:
Mark Knight
Beat: Searching For Some Truth
Album: Chill
Performed by: CMD

Leader In Government is God’s Minister Treasury Establishes Sovereignty

Read Along: Government is God’s Minister Treasury Establishes Sovereignty

The Pretend Government, not recognized by those who are true leaders. Like the DOD who brought in a new game. Poisoning people mentally, in reality, and emotionally, murdering people in hospitals, Like gambling, new card game, like blackjack, poker, and new counterfeit money. The Bluff is “You can not live without “It” The fiat currency, digital, electricity, gasoline, synthetic nitrogen, telephones, everything they have patented, incorporated, discovered. You can not live without their leadership. The truth is the opposite.

Everything listed is killing people. You can not live with these things. Jesus destroyed these men, destroyed their master. Destroy Satan and took the keys of power, the keys of the kingdom from Satan. They have to ***”BLUFF”*** People out of leadership of their own lives. .. Jesus destroyed these men, destroyed their master. Destroy Satan. Jesus took the keys of power, the keys of the kingdom, leadership, and government it is in your mind. Your soul. Jesus took everything From Satan.

Thumbnail music:

Mark Knight

Beat: Searching For Some Truth

Album: Chill

Performed by: CMD

Public School is a False religion, Aliens, CIA, MK ULTRA: A.I.

Deceiving Spirits Lies

Read Along: really close to God who gives you power over all the power of the Devil. ALL ILLEGAL. With the introduction of sexual perversion, it has become ***Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children.*** Down to the youngest. To rape and molest them as a part of their religious practices. Public School is a False religion. The teachers were also stripped of their own identities in childhood. They will do whatever they are told by their handlers. They can not stop themselves.
The powers that be surely do not want this information out. Kingdoms, Nations since the beginning of time establish their sovereignty and right to rule by coining their own money. Ohio, Louisiana, Vermont, etc. each need to coin their own money to establish conquering land and ownership of the land! Kingdoms like Jesus Christ’s Kingdom were established when Jesus received his own gold from wise men. The Coinage Act of 1792 does this for everyone in America. Each person is a sovereign, a King, right to rule his own life under the submission of the Holy Spirit, God our Father, living by the Word of God, our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ.
Fake bots, A.I.
Thumbnail music:

Mark Knight

Beat: Searching For Some Truth

Album: Chill

Performed by: CMD

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