Should Women Preach, the Devil Says No- Pt 4 Women in China’s Revival
With Special Guest Alice Marchesani
Women are the Backbone of China’s Great Revival & House Churches
Join us November 28th, 2022 at 7:30 PM ET
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China is the world’s fastest growing Christian Church. Reports of up to 30,000 people, per day, are coming to Christ. Even under threats of imprisonment or even death, the Gospel is spreading like wildfire throughout this Communist nation. One thing that sets apart the churches of China from the West, is that the intense persecution keeps the church groups that meet together, rather small. Very much like the beginning of Christendom, believers meet in house churches to avoid detection and scrutiny. What you may not know is that even as the Church has grown to over 100 million, about 70% of believers are women and those women are the backbone of ministry and missionary work all over the country.
When you look at how revival is spreading across China, you can see how the early church could have spread so quickly. While American churches tend to sideline half of their team, China’s ministries are on fire with salvations, miracles, signs and wonders. If we are judging by the fruit, we can see that China’s model of women being great ministers alongside men (as Paul called both men and women co-laborers) we can see that the misinterpretation of scripture that silences women is not just destructive to the women these false teachings silence, but is stopping revival and ministry from flourishing.
Many women in the Word of God were great ministers and even were used by the Holy Spirit to lay down inspired Words from God, such as Mary, the mother of Jesus and Elizabeth in Luke 1. Barak joins Deborah in a scriptural song of praise to God after battle, just like David’s psalms, in Judges 5. In John 20, Jesus appears first to Mary and tells her to preach the first foundational truth of the Gospel, that Christ is risen and that he must ascend to the Father. She was the first source of foundational Christian doctrine. In light of these and many more passages, it becomes clear that God uses whom He wills, when he wills and we all must be open to being ministers of the Gospel wherever we go.
Watch Part ONE here:
Watch Part TWO here:
Watch Part THREE here:
Tom and Alice joined us this September in Plymouth at The Covenant, Restoring the Ancient Paths, Tom was a special guest speaker and Alice a descendant of the Mayflower. They have both become dear friends of ours.
Alice and Tom Marchesani “Rebuild the foundations, focusing on how early believers did life and how early America was established”. This is the directive Tom heard from God’s heart several years ago, and he has endeavored to be a faithful steward of this assignment. Tom Marchesani is a facilitator & teacher of Home Congregations following the model Jesus described in His definitive promise “I will build My ekklesia”. This word used was not “church” but “ekklesia”. This revelation of liberty in Christ caused a major identity shift which launched Tom into a season of learning and leading. As a former pastor in a non-denominational church, Tom now coaches others in leading Home Congregations locally and across America. Alice and Tom have been married for 35 years; they have a son and 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren.
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