Healing In the Midst of the Storm: The Mental, Physical & Emotional Effects of a Pandemic

ATTENTION ON SHOW TIME! *This Friday’s Show Will Also Be at 7:00pm Instead of 6:00 EST* Tonight’s show will be a little different than our normal weekly round-up of news. There is a lot of stress in the times that we are going through and it’s hard on everyone in one way or another. Even in the strongest of us fear can try to creep in. Fear of the virus itself, fear of being an essential worker, fear that there is more to this than meets the eye, fear of authoritarian takeover, fear of economic collapse, loss of income, loss of business, not being able to see loved ones, cancelled plans, not being able to hold a regular funeral, wedding or family reunion… whatever it is, lets face it: these are hard times. We need to stop and reflect on that and help each other to get through it. Tonight’s show will be about all of that an hopefully bring you healing and clarity in the midst of the storm.

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