From Piggie to Pork Chop

From Piggie to Pork Chop. Here at God’s Little Acre we believe God designed us to be a part of where our food comes from. For the past several decades, humans have become far too distant from the food they consume and this creates a chasm in society where we no longer appreciate or are thankful for what goes into our bodies. Look around, society is not benefiting at all from this rift, we are less healthy than ever before, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Raising our own pork and chicken is all part of a spiritual journey for us and we hope to show you how natural God made this process to be. We ARE supposed to be connected to the food we eat, caring for the animals and plants while they are alive, in order that we may honor them as they provide the nutrition God designed our bodies to derive from them. We have been so blessed by caring for these animals, loving them, feeding them and yes, even cuddling them. This is how LIFE is supposed to be. They can eat the grass and food we can’t eat, we need the protein they provide and the soil needs the fertilizer they produce. It’s only since man tried to mess with God’s natural cycle that the health of our bodies and soil ran amuck. We’re here to regenerate that cycle, God’s perfect design. We raise Kune Kune hogs, which are a pastured heritage breed. Since we are a suburban homestead, our pigs are raised on mowed grass and truck loads of donated produce, with breads and other donations as treats!

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3 years ago

A couple years ago I got tired of buying lousy standard ground beef, 73% was just not worth it and even the higher percentages were no better.
Even store bought ground chuck was not so great. So I decided to grind my own.
I did a LOT of research on meat grinders, read a lot of reviews too and discovered that even the more expensive grinders that claim to have metal gears, still have at least One plastic gear that inevitably breaks too soon. This led me to even more expensive meat grinders that cost $500 or more and no one who is using a grinder in their kitchen needs an old school Hobart commercial machine. They are very large, very heavy and really pricey !! I saved all my research from the smallest $75 or less grinders all the way up to the big boys priced into the thousands in a word file, with notations meant for only myself (Some Profanity) but it turned out others were interested in having it to take a lot of legwork out of their hunt for the optimal meat grinder, so I emailed it to them.
In the end I got a Cabela’s Carnivore #12, which weighs like 55 pounds, for home use, just to grind up chuck roasts lol. It is a bit overboard, but they go on sale during the holidays, so instead of being $450 it was $349.99 after sales tax and free shipping, so it saved me $100. It is a BEAST of a grinder! There was one other grinder from Northern Tool that was very comparable and even had some features I liked better than the Carnivore, but they weren’t on sale, so that dictated which one I chose. Anyway, all I have read about KitchenAide grinder attachments is that they are weak and do not last. The best resource for smaller, kitchen friendly grinders, was Pet Owners who feed their dogs an all meat diet using Chicken using ground up Chicken legs with the bone included. If the grinder can’t go through Chicken bones without keeling over dead, those people are the one’s to ask which is the best grinder.

Awesome video on butchering a pig, it was very informative and I enjoyed it immensely. Great work !!
24 hours straight of working on butchering, starting at 02:00am and still rendering fat at 02:00am the following night, I have only one question. What’s for dinner ?? lol

3 years ago
Reply to  Brian

The GUIDE GEAR 57675 #12 is the meat grinder I would suggest, on sale on Ebay with no sales tax and free shipping, … Approx $330 and would grind gravel and last and last. That or the Cabela’s Carnivore #12 that I ended up getting. Both have unique features the other does not have., but both are as solid a grinder as anyone would ever need.
Beware of grinders with plastic gears or non stainless plates, or that state the parts are NOT dishwasher safe !!
Why would stainless steel or Aluminum NOT be dishwasher safe ?? Hmmm Very strange. But I have seen pictures of the aftermath, the metal looks like it was in a fire and burnt when it comes out of dishwasher. Very odd.

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