Headline News Brighteon
Click on BrighteonTv, Then Click on Live Streams, Choose Events for This Event 9:00am-9:00pm
Going Live 6:00-7:00 From Dayton Ohio. Brighteon TV October 1st, 2022 Ohio be ready at anytime to be called up to spiritual battle: Time for a posse, the enemy is Satan, Demons, Witches, Wizards, Baphomet worshippers. Come dressed in repentance, clothed with Salvation, the mantel of peace with God on your shoulders. James 5.
The weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 2 Corinthians 10:4 https://share.fluro.io/event/63163ea6a8fd1d0025a3bbd4
His Glory & Resistance Chicks Present: Revive US
Oct. 1st, 9AM-9PM
1488 Johnsville-Brookville Rd
Brookville, OH 45309
The event will take place outside under a tent. Food and beverage will be available for purchase.
Get your Tickets Now:
Support this Revival:
Todd Coconato, Resistance Chicks, Niel Petersen for Governor of Ohio 2022, Ark Of Grace Ministries, Jerone Davison for Congress, Dave Daubenmire, Julie Green Ministries International, The Dr. Ardis Show, Candice Keller – Founder Patriot America, Millie Weaver,
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave where we put God first above all else! One of the most powerful prayer meetings in history is in the Book of Acts.
We believe that we have been called for such a time as this, as they did in the book of Acts, to unite in prayer and to intercede for true revival in the United States through Jesus Christ.
The Save America Revival Tour focuses on equipping the American people with the truth about Jesus and the good news of the Gospel. It’s time to unite our brothers and sisters from all walks of life in Christ & family!
We are one nation under God!
The time is now to spread the Gospel message from east to west to north to south! Our future depends on it.