Views of Millennial Reign & Shocking History of Rapture Theory

What do you believe about the return of Jesus Christ and the Millennial Reign spoken of in Revelation 20? Do you know the origin of the Rapture Theology? In the 2000 years since the ascension of Christ, there have been many different teachings and beliefs about Eschatology (the study of End Times).

In the first two centuries, Christians looked to the imminent return of Christ to set up his reign on earth.
Origen, the great 3rd-century Alexandrian Christian thinker, emphasized the manifestation of the kingdom in the soul of the believer, rather than in the world.

Later, 400 AD onward, St Augustine blasted any hope of Christ reigning physically here on earth & instead proposed that the spiritual and terrestrial could never be combined but that the Millennial Reign in Heaven had already begun. This would dominate church teaching until the 17th century when Puritans would see the Great Tribulation as coming to an end in their lifetime and the New Jerusalem/millennial reign on earth commenced.

The founding fathers along w/ Revivalists Johnathan Edwards and John Wesley, embraced the optimistic view of Christ reigning through His church body here on earth- the great missionary movements spread all over the globe as a result.

Towards the middle of the 19th century, many different apocalyptic views burst forth as an outgrowth of teachings, steaming from Great Britain at the time including Edward Irving and John Darby who fleshed out a brand new theology called Dispensationalism. They too saw an imminent return of Christ, only this time with a brand new additional twist- a secret Rapture before 7 years of Tribulation, then the Millennial Reign of Christ. This was a new theory, never before thought of throughout Church history, but Dwight L. Moody got ahold of this teaching and began to spread it across the world. The creation of Dallas Theological Seminary which trained thousands of ministers of the Gospel also did much to spread the new teaching. This led to Hal Lindsay’s, The Late Great Planet Earth and Left Behind book series selling millions of copies. Knowing the origins of some of the most widely held beliefs on the “end times” in Christianity today is vital to getting to the truth of understanding the kingdom of God!


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