Thanksgiving Series: Home Church Addition

How the First Thanksgiving was Birthed from a Home Church

With Omega Kingdom Ministry

Join us LIVE Thursday, November 11th at 8:00 PM ET for an EXCLUSIVE Clouthub Event! Over the next two weeks, leading up to Thanksgiving we plan to host a series of Clouthub meetings focusing on the Christian origins of our nation and how those principles, forged in the fire by the pilgrims and our founding fathers, apply today and how we can walk those out, and expand the Kingdom of God! In a Clouthub “meetings” exclusive, you will be able to “raise your hand” and audibly ask questions of both Resistance Chicks and guests!

Our first meeting will be with Omega Kingdom Ministry who we interviewed at BardsFest this past August. Their goal is in training leaders to lead others in our Christian walk and to equip you in developing Home Congregations (ekklesia/ecclesia) in your community. We will talk about how the very first Thanksgiving was actually birthed out of a home church. Before the pilgrims ever stepped food on this land we call America, they were celebrating Christ in their own ekklesia, home church! You don’t want to miss this incredible series and event!!!

PLUS! Tune in LIVE to be the first to hear about an amazing upcoming event and partnership coming in the spring of 2022 that you DON’T want miss!

READ MORE about the this incredible band of Pilgrim forefathers and their incredible journey in this NEW article by Leah! How a Small Home Church Changed the World

Save the date and join us LIVE! ONLY on Clouthub! Click here for link!
Or visit and go to the “Meetings” tab.
NOTE: You will NEED a Clouthub account to view and join the meeting- so be sure to do that ahead of time!
Clouthub is the NEW, quickly growing, Free-speech platform that everyone is flocking to!

Also, visit Omega Kingdom Ministry’s websites: and

Watch Replay of Clouthumb Meeting here:

See Resistance Chicks on Omega Kingdom Ministry:

Our Interview with Omega Kingdom Ministry at BardsFest:

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