Revelation Redpill EP 72
Post Debate Analysis & State of the Nation from A Kingdom Lens
Join us WEDNESDAY 9/11/2024
8:00 PM ET
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Does the Bible have anything to say about the Trump/Harris Debate? Absolutely! For too long Christians have pulled away from politics thinking it’s too dirty to weigh in on current events. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Daniel spoke to their day’s kings and political leaders. Jesus came to set up his kingdom to be the ultimate judge and ruler of the world. What does the Bible say about abortion, gun control, or heavy taxation? We will take a deep dive and Christian-based analysis of the September 2024 presidential debate and hopefully shine some light of truth on the divided state our nation finds itself in!
- The Kingdom Roundtable on Rumble
- SperoPictures: 20 mins of Revelation
- Cory Gray: Born Again As Kings is packed full of scriptures that show Jesus came, overthrew Satan’s dominion and He has given us the keys- we just need to learn how to use them! Be sure to check out Cory’s: The Unstoppable Kingdom Business Mind School: Click here And also take the FREE 8-course series of KINGDOM UNIVERSITY! Click here!
- Follow Dr. Jason and Kingdom Healing Community on Facebook, Rumble and Youtube
- JOHNNY ENLOW UNFILTERED – EPISODE 44– Perfect video to introduce others to the Revelation Redpill message
- Kingdom/Revelation Redpill books:
- Resistance Chicks Revelation Red Pill Page:
- Bruce Gore’s The Apocolypse In Space and Time Playlist: Click here
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