Ohio Stands Up Presents Dr. Bryan Ardis & Warner Mendenhall
Ohio Stands Up pulled together an unforgettable night!
Kicking it off was the powerful story of Haleighsheart.com by her parents Doug and Rishanne Golden. Next we heard from some brave University of Cincinnati students who are standing for their fundamental right to bodily autonomy NOT to be forced to get the jab in order to attend school.
We then heard from fireball attorney Warner Mendenhall about his fight to represent patriots against the mandates and the UC Bearcats Lawsuit! The fundraiser was to benefit the UC Bearcats lawsuit, as well as other lawsuits, fighting against the mandates. To donate to the UC Bearcats Fund: Click here
The night ended in a huge bang with Dr. Bryan Ardis of The Dr. Ardis Show! The audience was brought in on some sneak peeks into the bombshell report that Dr. Ardis has uncovered about covid and poison… Apparently it’s something so damaging to the covid narrative that it has purportedly skyrocketed him to the TOP of a hit list by a big pharma company.