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Join us August 4th, 2022 at 6:40PM ET LIVE on the platforms below for a our live interview with Dr. Haider!
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at 8:00PM ET where we will be on with Mark Baker!

When Dr. Haider joins the program you KNOW it’s going to be on fire! Not only has he continued to treat patients and provide medicines on hand BEFORE you get sick, he continues to expose the deep state and doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to calling their evil agenda exactly what it is.

Breaking: FDA Panel Recommends Moderna Two-Dose COVID VACCINE for Kids Ages 6 to 17 Despite Serious Safety Concerns.

Anaphylaxis, Thrombosis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Bell’s Palsy and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) are terms that have been thrust into the public spotlight, following the global initiatives to mass vaccinate. All of these syndromes can be and are the result of vaccine injury as the CDC openly admits. 

As recently revealed, the CDC was forced to admit that boosters have no health benefits for adults 18-49 leaving them susceptible to vaccine injury for no reason.  What will happen if the youngest children among us receive the experimental mRNA vaccine? Watch as Dr. Haider, and Geert Vanden Bossche discuss the deadly consequences of vaccinating our children.

Dr. Syed Haider has been treating patients suffering from vaccine injury and covid related issues. He is speaking out on the growing concerns of mass vaccination, especially in the youngest of our population. Dr. Haider says, “Never in history have so many lives been hanging in the balance……we must punish the wrong doers, heal the injured and especially stand up for the children who cannot speak for themselves.”

Ironically Justin Bieber, who made vaccination mandatory to attend his concerts, was recently diagnosed with Ramsey Hunt Syndrome. (RHS) is a neurological disorder characterized by paralysis of the facial nerve. Hailey Bieber, his wife also suffered from a blood clot that moved to her brain causing her to have stroke like symptoms. Similarly, Thrombosis which has been cited as a side effect of vaccination, causes mild to severe blood clotting. According to People Magazine younger and younger people are suffering from blood clots at historically higher rates.

There has been a 5-fold increase in (SADS) and cardiac arrest among FIFA athletes in 2021 following the roll-out of mass vaccination efforts.   From December 2020 to November 2021, 183 athletes and coaches had suddenly collapsed, with 108 dead. In most cases the cause was related to myocarditis and pericarditis with the second most prevalent cause being blood clots.  

Doctors are astonished by the rise in the sudden adult death syndrome cases (SADS).  This is the medical term used to describe sudden and unexplained cardiac arrest in healthy young adults.  Doctors in Melbourne, Australia’s Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute have been compelled to create a National SADS registry. By doing so they hope to gain a better understanding of this abnormality and its sudden increase. 

The increase in these horrific events have many people speculating that the mass vaccinations are causing an increase in vaccine injury.  The FDA has recently approved Covid-19 vaccines for children 6-17. These vaccines could soon be available for infants and toddlers, leaving many parents concerned about the side effects.    

About Dr. Syed Haider: Dr. Haider has over 10 years of experience as an internal medicine trained hospital doctor. Since December 2020, he has treated thousands of COVID-19 patients around the country by providing easy online access to off-label prescriptions. After realizing that our country has offshored almost all prescription drug manufacturing to unfriendly nations like China, he launched his latest initiative at, providing “prepper antibiotics” and chronic med refills to store in case of emergencies like anthrax or plague bioterror attacks, natural disasters, supply chain breakdowns or just to have on hand for off-grid living and travel.

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