Harvest Series 3 Pt.1 and 2 Remdesivir What did God’s Anointing Say
Rumble Pt 1
Bitchute Pt 1
Rumble Pt 2
Bitchute Pt 2
Happy Valentines Day! PG here Patriot Gallery Leah and Michelle’s Mom. For those tired of the fight I am here to share some good news. A wonderful Valentine’s Romance that will make being a Saint so much easier. The key ingredient is Love. Yes Faith works by Love. Love of a Husband and wife during the honey moon season. The bride and the bridegroom. Where all you think about is the person you married and you are truly in love. Jesus! Yes, there is an enemy. But be of good cheer he has over come, defeated your enemy. Let him speak to you by his Holy Spirit, let him lead you to the truth and the truth will set you free. Live or die we are the Lords. Our power comes from him like the virgins with the lamp oil, as we await him silently everyday he strengthens us in our inner most being. The enemy wants to wear you down, never ending bombardments, shellings of emotional stress. We get alone with Jesus he calms the storms and gives peace to our souls. Our excitement comes from walking with him and seeing how many he brings into his kingdom every day. By our witness of his love towards us and them. So they can come in out of the storms of life and enter into the rest that only God can give. Third part of a series: ***”The Harvest” the Anointing.***
Friday, February 10, 2023
Read Along: https://isaiah58ministries.blogspot.com/2023/02/friday-february-10-2023-what-did-gods.html A Code Name in the language of the PIGS. PIG LATIN. These people have become wild boars, eat at the hog slop trough. These witches, pharmaceuticals, use Latin like the Roman Catholic Church to hide their devious deeds. All their drugs, chemical wizardry are all poison, like snake venom. They use things you would not dare to use, It would kill someone. Witchcraft the opposite of what is right. Pharmaceuticals is a witch coven. The leadership is Comprised of those high up in their occult, Specialist, experts. Mostly educated in the colleges and university. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, State Colleges and Universities. REMDESIVIR is a Code Name Counterfeiting Operation These people eat at the hog slop trough. Once these Great Temples, Sacred Places dedicated to God to the propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ. and For the the furtherance of God’s kingdom on this earth. For the happiness, life and Liberty, freedom of all men living in peace with one another in brotherly love. They were spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Men Dining at the Glorious Banquet Table of God at the Marriage Banquet of the Lamb. Seated in heavenly places with Jesus Christ. Imagine a 5 Star Country Club Ball. .Each person answers the call to bear children for Jesus Christ by marrying him. Where each person with the church: say I do! I promise to love Jesus Christ for eternity, forsaking all others: Saying I will Love Jesus With all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, for eternity. LIVE every Friday at 7:00 PM EST for our Weekly News Round-up Facebook, D-Live, Rumble, Clout Hub, JoshWhoTV, Twitch and every Sunday 1:00 PM EST for World News, see contact list below! Friday On Brighteon 6:00pm Sunday Evening on Brighteon.5:00pm-6:00pm Resistance Chicks: Leah and Michelle Svensson report with a Founding Fathers “Christian” commentary on the latest events in the United States and around the world. Resistance Chicks, Masfaith3, Leah and Michelle, Contact Information January 2021 https://resistancechicks.blogspot.com/2021/01/resistance-chicks-masfaith3-leah-and.html Neighborhood B2T Platform https://b2tneighborhood.com/ResistanceChicks JoshWhoTV Resistance Chicks Podcast! https://www.joshwhoradio.net/director… Contact, Social Media & ALL Platforms Info: Website: resistancechicks https://www.resistancechicks.com/ sign up for our e-mail for notifications and newsletters Resistance Chicks P.O. Box 107 Milford, OH 45150 E-mail: [email protected] Sound Cloud https://soundcloud.com/leah-svensson