A Major Shift Is Happening In the Spirit & the Bob Jones Gulliver Prophecy
I am feeling something change deep inside my spirit. An urgency to stay in the Spirit to be ready at all times to pray and seek God for whatever comes our way, be it for us or others. This feeling is a result of moving past fear, past ignoring a difficult situation and hoping it goes away, past giving up because it seems like the situation can’t be changed or fixed…once passed all of those, you are at the only possible conclusion- God must and will show up and I must seek His will on how to pray 🙏
This is where all deep situations are supposed to lead us to. It’s where all the Bible reading, prayer, praise, and worship are supposed to end up- at the throne of God boldly asking God to do something. It’s the place where we go when we know that we know what His will is, where we are in such a place in our relationship that you are so sure He is not just listening to you but working with you in prayer. It’s a dance with moves that you and the Almighty know, somehow instinctively.
It’s a place when you are having a conversation with someone and you stop and say “well okay then, let’s pray about it, let’s ask our Dad, aka Father God, to change it or fix it, protect, provide, comfort, bring justice, heal, restore, transform.”
God delights in transformation
He delights in miracle working power
He delights in child like faith
Okay Lord…I am listening and looking to you, show us how to pray.
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