Daily Mail Confirms Laptop Is Hunter Biden’s; Clarence Thomas On Big Tech; Weekly Roundup 4/9/2021

On tonight’s episode of this week’s TOP news stories: The #DailyMail Exposes #HunterBiden bombshells after ‘tell-all’ book holds back, confirming the photos that are too explicit to show, did in fact belong to Hunter… #SCOTUS Justice #ClarenceThomas weighs in on #BigTech; good to know info on #5G and your phones, you can turn it off! All of that and MUCH MORE!!!

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On tonight’s episode of this week’s TOP news stories: The #DailyMail Exposes #HunterBiden bombshells after ‘tell-all’…

Posted by Resistance Chicks on Friday, April 9, 2021




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Steve Webster
Steve Webster
3 years ago

Hi girls

I’m sure you’re following the situation in Israel, regarding the vaccinations and the `Green Pass’. I thought I would share this video I heard today as it is a rare perspective of the dark side of this among a sea of propaganda using Israel as the example of what we all must do. Anyway, I just thought it would be a great topic for an upcoming show though I know you are busy with the big convention in OK coming up. I would love to hear your take on what this woman shares with us regarding what is really going on there. I think it is a great preview of what we will all be facing throughout the western world in the coming months.


BTW, I’m also seen in your comments on YouTube by the name WhoWouldWantThisName and on Rumble as: YouDon’tNeedMyName. Kind of a theme to it, I know. Don’t know what I will do for a screen name on Frank. Maybe I’ll just use my real name, as it might be safe to do so there, until they blanket target all users as domestic terrorists of something. Sorry, I’m trying to stay positive and you two help me with that, you really do.

3 years ago

Will Johnson’s live!

3 years ago

Here’s a video President Trump did for us this Easter. I don’t know if you have seen it yet.

Steve Webster
Steve Webster
3 years ago

Sorry, I just left a prayer request and completely forgot to tell you my brother’s name is Bill, well William but we call him Bill. Thank you again for all that you do.
Big cyber hugs

Steve Webster
Steve Webster
3 years ago

I have a prayer request. My brother has been through a LOT, especially in the last couple years. Medically alone he has had 2 heart attacks, went through a period of seizures which likely were related to the multiple strokes we later discovered he has had. While in the hospital for the 2nd heart attack they discovered colon cancer but surgery was successful and he has been clean of that since with no need for chemo or radiation. The seizures were a temporary thing as well and his heart is doing pretty well but he has had tiny clots and more tiny strokes in his brain that have damaged a pretty large area which happen to be involved with vision. So now he has been going through partial blindness in both eyes and, while he is convinced it will all come back, it appears the progress has stagnated. he has better and worse days but overall he has very limited peripheral vision including the area below line of sight. He had other issues due to brain damage as well but I’ve already gone on far longer than I intended with this message. He would be thrilled to just have his sight back and he has not been able to work for over a year now. He lives with me and I have been managing his affairs since I still don’t trust his memory and overall mental condition to be 100%. Please pray for him and especially his vision and spirit. I do almost daily, but sometimes I forget as there are lots of other things on my plate anymore. Thank you and I thank God for bringing you to me.

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